Wednesday, February 3, 2010

we made it back from mexico! here are a few random shots to get you started!

it's no wonder daddy gets his teeth shot out when he walks around with that look on his face!

santa was at walmart!

a favorite restaurant just a walk down the beach

grandma great and grandma anna collected sooo many shells on Stinky Beach!

some random puppies laying in the weeds, they were so cute!

how i spent most of my time on the drive down

how kennedy spent hers

driving along i found this butterfly just sitting on the carpet...i got to hold it! i also found a bee. but i didn't realize that posed a problem, and it poked me. (don't worry, i only screamed bloody murder for about twenty a small enclosed motorhome).

me and mom just hangin out

this is how we spent most mornings, i got in the habit of waking up at about 6:30 am, but i guess none of the adults wanted to get up with me!

this is where i got to sleep! i was high above everyone else, like a bunk bed!

daddy had a little episode...he wasn't supposed to take his medicine without food, but he didn't listen