Tuesday, February 2, 2010

trips into town were always an adventure! here are a few of our escapades!

the central market is nothing like the grocery store at home! it has all sorts of strange things to eat, but lots of yummy fruits and veggies! this is also where we get the best tacos in the world!

SEASHELL CITY! there is lots of fun stuff to see here! everything is made out of shells, or something taken from the ocean!

these are dolphin bones!

it is sooo cool in here!

senor frogs is a popular tourist outlet. mom says if she wants to pay those kinds of prices, she'd go back to utah!

there was a girl with her dad riding in a new car she got for christmas. i wanted a ride, so i said "hola, chica!" but grandpa said that wasn't nice, and to call her "nina" instead. either way, it worked. her dad made her stop, but she wasn't very thrilled to give me a lift!

we have a tradition after church of stopping to watch the cliff divers! they jump from so far up, and have to be careful to not not hit the rocks at the bottom!