Friday, August 13, 2010

Once a year we go to Grandma Great's condo in Park City...and we always have a blast!

It happened to be a cold day, so we couldn't swim in the pool...but that didn't stop us from having fun in the hot tub!

There were no high chairs for kennedy to eat in, so we had to improvise.

And at the end of the day, we are always tuckered out!


Our favorite was the baby elephant, Zuri! She has the same birthday as Kennedy...well, almost. (They are one day apart). As soon as mom put away the camera the mommy elephant, um, "did her business", and Zuri started to roll in it! It was so funny!

Kennedy loved all the "big kitties". can you blame her?

it was a very hot day, and kennedy can tell you all about it.

oh, no! don't bite my head off!

i could totally be in a gorilla family!

we played in the adventure park with all the critters!

we even got to feed the ducks! kennedy wanted to go swimming i think.

playing with the pot-guts.

Probably the FUNNIEST thing i saw...EVER. Mom saved lots of smoke bombs for me to do after July...Stella likes them too!

My new found games on the PBS Kids website.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

kennedy has shown great talent in the past with instruments...and whatever she finds that she can make into an intrument!

hanging out with stella can be quite relaxing when she's not trying to attack you. and no, i don't start it first!

chillaxin' in my car seat...who ever said this wasn't comfortable!?

gross! kennedy eats dirt...oh, what? i did too? same tree and everything? i guess it's time to get rid of that!

and what to my wondering eyes should appear?....

...grandpa willy, with his cement truck! and he let me play inside and drive it! (ok, not really drive it, but i got to move the boom and everything!)

Friday, August 6, 2010

I really, really thought i was ready for somehow thinks otherwise.

we took a trip to utah lake, and could walk super far out in the water and still stand! even kennedy liked the dirt!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

grandpa willy came and got me one day! we went for a motorcyle ride up in the mountains, and he took me fishing!

aunt bethany got a new kitty and she brought it over to visit us one night!

one horse, two horse, pink horse, green horse!?

we went to the lehi horse parade with grandma shell! everyone shows off their fancy horses the weekend of the rodeo. there were big horses, and small horses, a dragon horse, and even a pink horse! they threw us treats and we got cotton candy! it was lots of fun! (and we didn't even plan our outfits to match!)