Friday, February 19, 2010

we're pretty big drinkers in our family, and now kennedy is on the wagon! (that is, when she gets it in the right place!)

question and answer sessions seem kind of random, but it all started when i had to tell mom how funny her pump sounded!

do those honestly taste good? they must, for how much she is putting them in her mouth!

i like to hold kennedy "by myself", so mom lets her hang out with me and watch cartoons

some favorites

here is a list of some of my favorites right now: my sister kennedy, the "cat cat" show (tom and jerry), the "naughty lion" show (pink panther), my super hero underwear (because i'm all potty trained now!), my role models cannon and teigan (mom is a little nervous), the color pink (don't judge), guns (especially my "longer gun" that tieg and cannon gave me), getting myself dressed, chicken nuggets, and going to primary!

mom calls it a growth spurt, but for some reason i can never seem to get enough food!

did i finish it, you ask? definately, and i asked for more! yesterday for lunch i ate 5 chicken nuggets, 5 strawberries, a handful of chips, a big pretzel rod, and then a whole orange! mom can't figure out where it's all going! (thanx uncle adam for leaving this awesome soup at my house so i could eat it!)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

daddy warned me that girls talk too much, but i didn't know it started this soon!

kennedy got her first official bib, the only problem was that she wouldn't eat when we put it on her! so mom had to give her a few min to check it out

the unsuspecting victim...kennedy had her first solid foods! when i asked for a taste, i wasn't impressed!

we went to the train show again! we like to go every year, but we just did a sneek peek at thanksgiving point before the big one in march!

there was so much to see! i was entranced the whole time, and kennedy was pretty much unimpressed!

do you see what i see? out of this whole exhibit i somehow spotted the tiny digger! (and grandma's mouth got a little smudged, i think she must have said a naughty word! j/k)

the harry potter exhibit was really detailed, even down to the quidditch field and the carraiges arriving for the first day of school!

one of our favorites was the lego exhibit where EVERYTHING was made from legos!

this was a rendition of lagoon amusement park, the carosel actually went up and down!

batman, eat your heart out! i picked this cape out when we were in mexico!

snow day! we went sledding at our favorite spot, even all the big people got on one sled at the same time! (that was just short of a disaster!)

after we got back, we celebrated with my other cousins too!

i got some of the coolest toys from cannon and teigan, like this new gun!

this is a sample of writing on the box of a toy i got...from china, need i say more.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

we made it back from mexico! here are a few random shots to get you started!

it's no wonder daddy gets his teeth shot out when he walks around with that look on his face!

santa was at walmart!

a favorite restaurant just a walk down the beach

grandma great and grandma anna collected sooo many shells on Stinky Beach!

some random puppies laying in the weeds, they were so cute!

how i spent most of my time on the drive down

how kennedy spent hers

driving along i found this butterfly just sitting on the carpet...i got to hold it! i also found a bee. but i didn't realize that posed a problem, and it poked me. (don't worry, i only screamed bloody murder for about twenty a small enclosed motorhome).

me and mom just hangin out

this is how we spent most mornings, i got in the habit of waking up at about 6:30 am, but i guess none of the adults wanted to get up with me!

this is where i got to sleep! i was high above everyone else, like a bunk bed!

daddy had a little episode...he wasn't supposed to take his medicine without food, but he didn't listen