Friday, April 23, 2010

i woke up this morning, earlier then usual, and happened to notice some eggs hiding in the couch! the easter bunny came!

i ran and woke mom up, and told her, "he hid thems eggs in my couch!" so we went down and i got to find all the eggs filled with candy, and all the eggs we dyed and left out for the easter bunny. he also hid a basket full of fun stuff for me, and one for mom and dad!

(a somewhat boring video of me finding eggs and such)

kennedy just sat around and watched and drooled. (i think she wanted some candy maybe)

after finding all the eggs, and going through my basket, i got to pick an egg to eat for breakfast! i carefully picked one out, cracked and peeled it, and took a big bite! (apparently it was a little too big, and i underestimated the dryness of the yolk!)