Friday, November 13, 2009

it's GO time! mom and dad woke me up real early in the morning and took me to aunt bethany's. they said my baby was ready to come out of mom's belly!

they gave mommy some medicine right when she got to the hospital. and even though it didn't work very well with me, it worked GREAT this time. mommy was SO happy!

my baby sister started to have a hard time in mommy's belly. whenever mom had a contraction, the baby's heartbeat would drop real low. they decided it was time for her to came out.

she had the cord wrapped around her neck a couple of times, really tight. when she came out they had to work on her for a long time. she wasn't breathing and had alot of blood in her belly. but then she was all better, and mommy got to hold her!

her first bath, only daddy got to help.

kennedy's first bling!

she is sooo little! only 5 lbs. and 10 oz.

daddy got her all dressed...and she was ready to come to our house to live!