Saturday, November 21, 2009

officially caught up! from this post on, everything should be current to the time of posting!

princess kennedy!

four generations of beautiful girls

everyone wanted a chance to hold her

maybe she thought i would take a bite

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

trick or treating was great! i've been watching alice in wonderland all week to get into character for my costume!

i got to go out with penelope and harrison during the day and trick or treat in downtown provo. aren't we a sight!?

i could hardly wait to fill my there anything in there yet?

i was the cheshire cat!

kennedy was a super cute bunny rabbit!

i was being a slow poke...always at least 10 feet behind everyone else.

i liked to hold on to uncle aaron's hook when we walked!

Monday, November 16, 2009

carving pumpkins! no matter how much mom told me it was yucky, i kept eating the insides! then i picked out a face, and mom carved it for me!

daddy makes me a little worried sometimes, is this normal?

just being silly

it's pumpkin time! there were so many to choose from! mom turned around for one minute, and i had a stack of 5 or 6 by the car, ready to go!

mommy suprised daddy with a horseback ride for their anniversary! that may seem like a look of trepedation, but dad loves horses!

i went to a place to go bowling with my cousins. i've never been, but it sure was fun!

she's at it again! aunt nata took pics for us when kennedy was two weeks old. she's so cute!