Saturday, July 10, 2010

playing couldn't stop laughing for some reason!? (i found these clothes of KENNEDY'S and thought i could fit into them.)

it's summerfest time! i got to go on a few rides, then it was time for fireworks! (for kennedy's first time, she seemed a little unimpressed!)

kennedy makes a real funny face every time she has her first bite of yogurt, after eating baby cereal!

dead dog!? no...stella just loves to lay in the long grass in the sunshine!

some firsts...

my very first, very own, very cold pool!

kennedy's first time anywhere near water that wasn't the bath.

kennedy's first time in the grass...not bad after a few minutes, but she wouldn't put her hands down!

no matter how hard she shook me, mom couldn't get me to wake up! (i only fell asleep for five min in the car!)

they left me (and kennedy!)...alone...for a cruise this time!

the ship was soooo huge! every floor had something different and exciting! their room was made up twice a day, and they got a new, and special towel animal every night!

they got to do fun things every day, and go to lots of fun places!

dinner time was one of their favorites! they had the coolest maitre d', wonderful waiters, and the most awesome dinner friends, (who became their friends for the remainder of the trip)! they sat at a primo spot by the window, and got to get all dressed up fancy! not to mention they always meet famous this guy who sat right near their table! (ok, it's not the real Borat, but it sure looks like him)

they did lots of fun things with their new friends, like hang out on the ship (where daddy played dodge ball like a pro, he was a super-dodger...especially when he was hiding!) and snorkeling in a remote place in roatan!

we still can't figure how she got her leg out in the first place!