Friday, January 15, 2010

what to my wondering eyes should appear?

there we were, having a nice, quiet, sherman family christmas party...when there was a knock at the door! who could it be? IT WAS MY house! dad and grandma helped him empty his bags of all the wonderful toys and shared them with all the kids. what a night!

all the boys got a game that you "control with your mind"...i'm not sure i got the point. (i am working on using my nice voice)

i knew our drive way was good for all stella and i need is a sled!

turning three brought out a whole new energy...although jumping off my dresser may not be the best way to use it! i broke my foot!

a very curious birthday party!

mom made me an awesome george cake! it looked just like a book!

dad cut the cake, and i definately ate it! i even shared with grandma!

opening presents was so much fun!

mom and dad saved the best for last...a brand new bike from grandma and grandpa great!

out of the terrible twos? maybe not, but at least i'm three years old now!

another milestone! kennedy is now three months old!