Tuesday, November 25, 2008

the whole family! proof that i am beautiful because two people fell in love...or something like that. (ha ha)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

halloween kicked off with a party at mom's aunt's. she has a very spooky yard with lots of things she makes herself!...

...this was my reaction.

mom made me a musketeer costume complete with hat and boots to match my cousins!

carving the pumkins! i even got to pick out my own, look how strong i am!


that night i got to put on my costume, again and go trick-or-treating, again! i went with penelope and harrison, and at the church, then in my neighborhood. every time someone opened the door i tried pushing my way inside their house. at one house, we were about to leave because nobody answered, but just as mom turned around, i opened their door right up and went inside! low and behold, they were home, and we got our candy in the end!