Monday, September 29, 2008

i ate, i watched movies, i slept....and then i woke up in michigan.

i went to visit my grandma and grandpa sherman! i don't get to see them very often, but i love them just the same!

the squirrels throw pinecones down from way up in the tall trees. so i decided to play a little catch, with myself, with a pinecone.

i got to pick flowers, climb trees, and run amok in the yard! mom didn't even care that i got dirty!

there was so much to see! i got to touch a little fuzzy worm, and a baby frog!

this face pretty much sums up my whole trip!

the highlight of my trip was all the tractor rides! grandpa let me drive, (cause i wouldn't let him)!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

they're going to regret it! now i know every time i hear the truck that plays the fun song, i get ice cream!

take a look at all my musical abilities!

we went to the park to feed ducks on sunday. maybe if i get REALLY close, i can just slip in the water...splash! just kidding, mom wouldn't let me.

Monday, September 8, 2008

the pool people tell me summer is over, i think it's still hot. here are pics of my last swimming trip for the summer!

i have crazy road rage