Thursday, July 31, 2008

i kept saying "uh-oh" after my nap, mom finally came to help me.

Friday, July 25, 2008


they have so many neat animals!

i had a rhino on my shirt today at the zoo!

daddy calls mommy a lemur monkey sometimes...i can't see why.

the bear sat and drank from a stream for a VERY long time!

this is a mommy and her baby!

they are so tall and skinny!

the elephants are by far my favorite! i love to make the sounds and use my arm like it's a trunk!

the elephant in the front is going to be a mommy! she is nine months pregnant, but for her that means she still has a whole year left! the daddy elephant lives all the way in germany

they even have big monkeys, with no tails!

we weren't expecting that turkey to just snatch my cracker out of my hand when we weren't looking, but then it was fun to feed them!

i enjoy animals that aren't behind glass better, but the albino alligator was pretty cool!

the train ride was the end to a perfect outing!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

apparently you've never "lived" until you've done sparklers...i could say otherwise!

they kinda grow on you after a while

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

fourth of july balloon festival!

we got up bright and early that morning, (and by that, i mean 5:30 am!)

they use fire to blow the balloons up and make them float...kinda scary for me.

they had all sorts of fun ones...

...smokey the bear was my favorite!

the first balloon up got to carry the flag, and we said the pledge of allegence.

then ALL the balloons went up in the air, this isn't even half of them! it was so worth getting up!

the whole thing left me in shock and awe.

even ronald mcdonald was there, and he gave me "rock"!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

ne'r have i been so happy in the tub. mom and dad's is almost like a swimming pool, too!

i fancy myself the next ansel adams, just look what i can do with a camera!

i'm a busy little bee in these hives at the park!