Saturday, May 31, 2008

the doctor is in!

a day in the park

does this hat go with my shoes?

best cousins

mom and her best cousin, kristy, both got pregnant at the same time. they both had the exact same due date and everything! and then, wouldn't you know it, they both had their babies on that day! so now i have a best cousin that is exactly the same age as me! her name is kayli. she used to live far away in florida, but now her family moved back to utah. this is the first time i've seen her since we were babies...and i still don't know what to think!

some of the best things about memorial day...corn on the cob and watermelon!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

my grandma great turned 75! i'll take any excuse to eat a cupcake ice cream cone!

watch me go!

what goes up...must come down.

it takes getting sick before i'll sleep in anyone's arms, but a good dose of tylenol sure helps!

so...the sucker goes where?

grandpa willy got a new kitty! i love baby kitties, they're just the right size!

i don't need help, i can do it myself!

daddy plays hide and seek a little different than most. he hides ME, and mommy finds me!

what is that you have there?