Tuesday, December 2, 2008

i love to get into mischief! i got into some baby powder and made everything look like snow!

aunt natalie took us out and did family pics. they turned out FABULOUS because she is AMAZING! thanx aunt nata!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

the whole family! proof that i am beautiful because two people fell in love...or something like that. (ha ha)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

halloween kicked off with a party at mom's aunt's. she has a very spooky yard with lots of things she makes herself!...

...this was my reaction.

mom made me a musketeer costume complete with hat and boots to match my cousins!

carving the pumkins! i even got to pick out my own, look how strong i am!


that night i got to put on my costume, again and go trick-or-treating, again! i went with penelope and harrison, and at the church, then in my neighborhood. every time someone opened the door i tried pushing my way inside their house. at one house, we were about to leave because nobody answered, but just as mom turned around, i opened their door right up and went inside! low and behold, they were home, and we got our candy in the end!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

family home evening at hee haw farms!

there were sooo many fun things to do! i went on train rides and slides, and jumped, and ran through mazes, and played in corn! whew!

daddy is my best friend! he helped me feed the animals...then i helped the animals eat him! he aslo showed me how to shoot the corn cannon!

with the piggies, daddy...with the piggies

i got hand picked to chase the piggies! i raised my hand, and they picked me and some other kids to go run around and catch a pig. i didn't quite understand, but i still had so much fun!

they had lots of other animals for me to pet too, including Leroy the pig. he weighs 1200 pounds!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

now that we have a yard, i get to play outside all the time! one of my favorites is bubble time.

body art?

i chose to put the stickers on ME, instead of paper. then i wouldn't let mom take them off at bedtime either. much to my dismay, it was like ripping off an old band-aid when it was time for a bath the next night!

Monday, September 29, 2008

i ate, i watched movies, i slept....and then i woke up in michigan.

i went to visit my grandma and grandpa sherman! i don't get to see them very often, but i love them just the same!

the squirrels throw pinecones down from way up in the tall trees. so i decided to play a little catch, with myself, with a pinecone.