Monday, June 11, 2007

Good thing i'm a pro eater now...just in time for my first tooth!

Is there something on my face?

They left me...

After careful consideration i decided it was ok that mamma and daddy went to the dominican republic without me, but the least they could have done was take me to new york to meet Howie with them!

Mamma says i've got to find a safer way to sleep, but it just feels so good!

Oh no!...what did i just eat?

Has anyone seen my binkie?!

My car seat keeps me real safe, and mamma says it brings out the color in my eyes.

Me and my grandma...she taught me how to get a hold of all kinds of stuff and put it in my will never be the same.

Me and my grandpa...daddy says the next step for him is death...he's just that old.

We flew all the way to Mississippi, boy were mom's arms tired!

My number one gal pal, and the guy who follows us around.

Yeah, it's a BOW tie... i'm just that big of a deal!